How do computer keyboard failure

Computer keyboard is one of the most commonly used computer input devices in the device , but also that you use most frequently used devices. Due to frequent use computer keyboard , computer keyboard case so often occurs in the failure of the course . Today and share with you after the failure of a computer keyboard solution .
Tools / materials
• U disk, keyboard cleaner with a soft brush , blow up balloons
The case of a desktop computer keyboard failure
Typically computer keyboard failure following two situations:
Percussion keyboard keys without display
After you open a word processing software, or other editors , whether you enter any character on the keyboard , the display did not have any display .
Keyboard input and screen display inconsistent characters
The letters on your keyboard to enter letters in the display and no correspondence or enter a numeric character is displayed .
Desktop computer case one of the processing methods and procedures
Check that the keyboard was electric
Press the button on the left side of the keyboard Caps Lock key to toggle the case , observe the indicator lights on the keyboard Caps are lit. If you can light up , indicating that your hardware keyboard may have been broken. If the keyboard does not light up to show that you are either bad or is connected with the host computer is bad , the keyboard has no power .
Check the keyboard connection interface with the host computer to determine whether good contact
The keyboard connected to the computer with a USB cable to the host computer ‘s USB host interface reseated , because behind the host desktop computer has multiple USB ports , you can also change a USB port to connect to see if good contact.
Tips: For some older models, if your keyboard is a PS2 connector cable
Please note that there is breakage or PS2 interface is inserted in the wrong location, such as the PS2 keyboard connector mouse connector found on the PS2 interface.
Reconnect after test
Reconnect often step 2 is basically to ensure that the contact with the host computer ‘s keyboard to normal. Now you can open a word processing software on your computer , the editor using the keyboard to enter a few characters to see if there is display . If normal , Congratulations you have successfully processed keyboard failures , otherwise proceed to the next step. Detection host interface is normal
If you do this step , then the probability of your keyboard is usually broken relatively large, but first do not arbitrary, we test the interface to the host computer to a conclusion. Find a usb device , such as U disk . We put it into the computer interface, see if you can use a normal , if normal use , it indicates that your keyboard is broken, you can replace a new keyboard , otherwise the normal description of the keyboard , your computer system or system has a problem , you need professionals to deal with , not repeat them here .
Desktop computer case two processing methods and procedures
This happens usually indicates the host computer keyboard is connected properly , but the keyboard has a problem , the following approach :
The case of letters and numeric keypad keys function key failure
If the result of the case or the numeric keypad keys failure leads to inconsistent input display , you can check -sensitive switch key left of the keyboard Caps Lock key , Shift key and right key NumLock key functions are normal switch. Sometimes due to the frequent use of these function keys , conductive rubber keyboard will not work under the keyboard bounce caused by failure occurs, you can check this cap if these keys keyboard is always jammed due to abnormal reasons resulting in the pressed state failure. In this case you can manually toggle the appropriate keys to reset it repaired.
A character repeated failures occur and the surrounding joint letter
For the above phenomenon , usually because a key bit is always stuck in the pressed state and neighboring keys associated with conductive rubber is in contact so that the keyboard intermittent failures . In this case , you can use your fingers for the occurrence of the failure of some of the keys to repeatedly reset button or pressing all the keys back again, has made the keyboard to normal.
Tips: Of course, because the glass down on the keyboard because the tea spilled on the keyboard will cause the keyboard part failure, this time with the host should disconnect the keyboard and the keyboard upside down to dry after the water is drained normal use, for water keyboard because scuppers ( slot ) is disordered upside down, just the keyboard to scupper ( slots ) can be tilted . Failure to display a character missing for such a situation , usually because the keyboard dust or debris from entering the internal keyboard snacks hinder conductive rubber metal contact with the circuit board under the contact of the keys can not enter the letters displayed . For this situation, you can use the keyboard cleaner with a soft brush , blow up balloons carried on the keyboard slot blowing dust blown debris to solve the problem , if the above method can not solve the problem, disconnect the keyboard and the host computer inverted keyboard, after beating aligned , reconnect it to work . Keyboard Keyboard garbled garbled phenomenon more annoying , this situation usually only one way you can try , and that is disconnected from the host computer keyboard , and then reconnect the keyboard to see if return to normal. If reconnect still fail, then you do not hold what hope. Such cases are usually garbled keyboard chip failures caused , we are not equipped to handle , you will get a new keyboard now . Laptop keyboard case malfunctioning laptop keyboard failure common approach is basically similar with the desktop , can be resolved by the above method . For some specific cases need to look at the following steps: a small part of the letter keys keyboard replacement laptop keyboard because the space is smaller than the average desktop keyboard, so it has some function keys are function keys with the Fn key to the achievement of certain specific functions , such as digital key alternative  M key cases, this is often not understood by everyone , and mistakenly thought it was a keyboard failure, in fact, the simplest way is to look at the bottom of the digital display light is lit. Once the indicator light indicates the numeric keypad zone is active, there is no doubt , M These keys are replaced with the numeric keys . You just need to hold down the left side of the keyboard area key and function keys at the top right to switch back and forth . External keyboard for half past one would not handle the keyboard failure fault , you can find an external keyboard via USB connection is a pressing problem . Especially when large quantities of digital inputs , it is strongly recommended that an external keyboard input more convenient. Soft keyboard for keyboard failure of emergency law and does not solve the case of an emergency spare keyboard on hand , we can use the soft keyboard with the mouse to the emergency , input method here an example to introduce a mouse click on the to the right of the “Language Bar” button or by Ctrl + Shift keys to bring up the input method state . As shown in the pop-up state , use the mouse to click on the soft keyboard button, as shown in Figure red box right-click the mouse button , make sure the PC keyboard options , as shown otherwise, your soft keyboard with mouse point out that other characters, you will think garbled. Figure on the following pop-up soft keyboard , you can use the mouse to click on the appropriate button to enter characters , methods, and the use of a physical keyboard is the same, not repeat them here . Of course, if you want to close the soft keyboard only need to click on the soft keyboard input method button on the status bar again.

Оценивать мастерство ноутбуков производительности

Сравнить ноутбуки просто не может говорить о достоинствах размера конфигурации. В этой статье , продажи ноутбуков перечислены в соответствии с оборудования, программного обеспечения и обслуживания международного списке стандартного , описывается как методов оценки ноутбук производительности компьютера . Готов пользователей ноутбуков в оценке , когда есть достаточная техническая убедительным.

1 , Процессор:

По сравнению с настольным процессором , Мобильный процессор с большей производственных процессов , пожалуйста ». Ноутбуков выделенным процессором энергосберегающие технологии “, текст , в дополнение к ноутбуков , посвященных процессора при помощи специальной технологии TCP упаковки , потому что оба обязаны получить мобильный производительность процессора и низкое энергопотребление требования потребления.

Хотя некоторые поставщики утверждают, что использовать в блокнот над технологии настольных CPU созрел , но, несомненно, отличается от технического содержания той же частоте процессора , настольных и мобильных , компонент стоить намного хуже. Мобильные машины CPU будут включены с соответствующей технической знака , в то время как ничего Некоторые ноутбуки настольных процессора , чтобы заявить в момент покупки , поэтому мы должны понять, как сердце производительности ноутбука.

2 , жесткий диск :

Относительно настольных жестких дисков , жестких дисков ноутбуков должен иметь хорошую ударопрочность , которая будет непосредственно влиять на безопасность данных. В этой области жестких дисков ноутбуков , оставив только IBM одного шоу. В настоящее время популярные ноутбуки выше, чем 10G . Максимально доступное для 48G . О его технических параметров , много марок компьютеров установлен один редко , описанный , например, числа оборотов (RPM) , спецификаций интерфейсов ATA . Нынешний P4 основной компьютер был использован для поддержки высокой производительности 5400 ATA5 жесткий диск ноутбука .

3 , дисплей:

Нынешние ноутбуки приняли True Color ( TFT ) структуру ЖК , отметить, что мы должны не только признать размер экрана , игнорируя при этом разрешение. Формальное различие : SVGA (800×600 ) XGA (1024×768) SXGA (1400×1050) UXGA (1600×1200) . Есть также некоторые нестандартное разрешение : UWXGA (1024×480) WXGA (1152×768) . Например, для поддержки еще выше XGA 12.1 “TFT SVGA курс , чем на экране может поддерживать только , чтобы быть более ценным.

4 , Оперативная память:

Цены SDRAM памяти были стряхивая , текущие цены для потребителей , оно должно быть хорошим . Новый ноутбук начал собирать DDR памяти для достижения большей эффективности .

5 , МОДЕМ :

ноутбук модем стал почти неотъемлемой частью внешнего модема в настоящее время используются для старых машин . На этот раз , чтобы тщательно измерить значение каждого “кошка” между только сделать суждение от чипа модема . Есть много ноутбуков , использующих ESS звук Moden интегрированный чип для обеспечения использования и той же функции , снижает стоимость OEM . Если COMPAQ SONY некоторые дома серии .

6 графические чипы :

В настоящее время настольных чипов уровня технологии дисплей компьютера , как правило, процесс 0,25 мкм , в то время как для ноутбуков графических чипов также использует более продвинутую процесс 0,18 мкм . Поскольку основная цель ноутбука мобильный офис , при условии, что производительность дисплей чипа может удовлетворить потребности офисного программного обеспечения достаточно . Во-вторых, из-за дисплея TFT , разрешение фиксировано, который , как правило, максимальное 1024 × 768 . Экран Частота обновления ЖК-монитор , нужно всего лишь 60 Гц достаточно . Таким образом, система отображения ноутбук . Просто , чтобы достичь 1024 × 768 при частоте обновления 60 Гц , 24-битный цвет достаточно ! Однако в настоящее время ноутбук интегрирована AGP поддержку шины , и значительное снижение общей стоимости машины , на дисплее также отражает постепенный производителей ноутбуков позиционирующие психологию . Многие производители для запуска моделей недорогих , используя интегрированные графические возможности SIS или Intel8xx основной чип , она требует общей памяти на материнской плате, отображать естественный генерала. Теперь лучший графический чип используется выделенный чип TNT Grforce4 мобильного с в DDR памяти , например, серии Toshiba 5105 .

7 , флоппи и CD-ROM:

Ноутбук с дискеты была основана на трехдюймовый дисковод, на основе текущего модном машины уже флоппи устройства хранения , такие как плагин предназначен идти в ногу со временем.

CD-ROM мультимедийный компьютер в качестве стандартной конфигурации , ноутбук также полностью разработана, текущее развитие CD-ROM продуктов с компакт-диска на современном DVD-ROM или CD записывающие возможности в сочетании с пользователем на ноутбуке может стать очень интересной мультимедиа наслаждение.

8 , батарея :

Если вы слышите популярный ноутбук, который также используют никель-металл -гидридные батареи , хотя это издеваться над ней . Для тех, кто не в области распределения электроэнергии , это также не просто погоня за машиной не литиевые батареи , но и обратить внимание на задней части заряда аккумулятора указанного . Как SONY FX серии использует 1700mA / H 14.8V в лучшем может поддерживаться только для общего применения , около 40 минут , которые ставят эту батарею широко используемый FX210 ( AMD Duron CPU) FX220 ( 15 “экран ) Эти потрeблeния в машине тип батарей имеют более высокие ожидания заказчика должны быть осторожны суждение .

Блок 9 , трансформатор питания

Подавляющее большинство адаптивной переменной трансформатора может 100В до 240В AC годов. Необходимо напомнить, : Найти пользователи адаптер не думаю, что дело от напряжения питания соответствует значению , вы можете использовать рыночную власть несколько десятков миллионов низкого качества .

10 , звук и звук :

Нынешние новые ноутбуки аудио чипы 16-бит выборки , волновой синтез , 3D-звук, и другие функции , с шинной технологии PCI высокоскоростного для обеспечения быстрого качество звука . Некоторые звуковой чип для лучшего использования с DVD- приводом , также поставляется с цифровым интерфейсом позволяет ноутбук может выводить AC3

Judge the merits of performance laptops

Compare laptops can not simply talk about the merits of the configuration size. In this paper, notebook sales are listed according to the hardware, software and service of international standard list , described as a laptop computer performance evaluation methods . Willing to laptop users in the evaluation , when there is sufficient technical persuasive.

1, CPU:

Compared to a desktop CPU, Mobile CPU with a higher manufacturing processes, please . ” Notebook dedicated cpu energy-saving technologies ,” a text , in addition to laptops dedicated CPU using a special TCP packaging technology , because both are required to obtain a mobile CPU performance and low power consumption requirements.

Although some vendors claim to be used in a notebook over a desktop CPU technology has matured , but no doubt is different from the technical content of the same frequency cpu, desktop and mobile , component cost a lot worse. Mobile CPU machines will be included with the relevant technical sign , while some laptops desktop CPU ‘s nothing to declare , at the time of purchase so we must understand how the heart of the performance of the laptop.

2 , the hard disk :

Relative to desktop hard drives, notebook hard drive needs to have good shock resistance, which will directly affect the safety of the data. In this area the notebook hard drive , leaving only the IBM a single show . Currently popular laptops are higher than 10G. The maximum available to 48G. About its technical parameters, many brands of computers installed one rarely described , such as the number of revolutions (RPM), ATA interface specifications . The current P4 mainstream computer has been used to support high-performance 5400 ATA5 laptop hard drive .

3 , display:

The current laptops have adopted a true color (TFT) structure of the LCD, to note that we should not only recognize the size of the screen , while ignoring the resolution. Formal distinction : SVGA (800×600) XGA (1024×768) SXGA (1400×1050) UXGA (1600×1200). There are also some non-standard resolution : UWXGA (1024×480) WXGA (1152×768). For example, to support even higher XGA 12.1 “TFT SVGA course than the screen can only support to be more valuable.

4, RAM:

SDRAM memory prices have been shaking down , current prices for consumers, it should be good. The new laptop has started to assemble DDR memory to achieve greater efficiency.


laptop modem has almost become an essential part of the external MODEM are now used for the old machines . This time to thoroughly measure the value of each “cat” between only make a judgment from the MODEM chip . There are a lot of laptops using ESS sound MODEN integrated chip to ensure the use of the same function, reduces OEM cost. If COMPAQ SONY some home series .

6 graphics chips :

Currently desktop computer display technology level chips are generally 0.25 -micron process , while the notebook graphics chips also uses a more advanced 0.18 -micron process . Since the primary purpose of the laptop is mobile office , so long as the display performance of the chip can meet the needs of office software is enough. Secondly , due to the TFT display , the resolution is fixed, which is generally the maximum 1024 × 768. The screen refresh rate LCD monitor , only need to 60Hz is enough. Therefore , the laptop display system. Just to reach 1024 × 768 at 60Hz refresh rate , 24-bit true color is enough ! However, the current laptop integrated AGP bus support, and a significant decline in the overall cost of the machine , the display also reflects the gradual laptop manufacturers positioning psychology. Many manufacturers to launch low-cost models, using integrated graphics capabilities SIS or Intel8xx main chip , it requires shared memory on the motherboard , display a natural general. Now the best graphics chip uses a dedicated chip TNT Grforce4 mobile with in DDR memory, such as the Toshiba 5105 series.

7 , floppy and CD-ROM :

Laptop with a floppy has been based on three -inch floppy drive , based on the current trendy machine has already floppy storage devices such as plug-in designed to keep up with the times .

CD-ROM multimedia computer as a standard configuration , the laptop has also been fully developed , the current development of CD-ROM products from the CDROM to today’s DVD-ROM, or CD burning capabilities coupled with the user on the laptop can get extremely exciting multimedia enjoyment.

8, the battery :

If you hear the popular Which laptop also use nickel-metal hydride battery, although it scoff at it. For those who did not in the field of power distribution , it is also not simply the pursuit of the machine is not lithium batteries , but also pay attention to the back of the battery charge indicated . Like SONY FX series uses a 1700mA / H 14.8V at best can only be maintained for general applications, about 40 minutes , which put this battery widely used FX210 (AMD Duron CPU) FX220 (15 ” screen ) These consumption machine type of batteries have higher expectations of the customer must be careful judgment.

9 , transformer power supply unit

The vast majority of adaptive variable transformer can 100V to 240V AC ‘s . Need to be reminded : Find the adapter users do not think the case of the supply voltage matches the value , you can use the market power of some tens of million of poor quality .


10 , sound and sound :

The current new notebook audio chips are 16-bit sampling , wavetable synthesis , 3D audio and other functions , with the high-speed PCI bus technology to provide rapid quality sound. Some audio chip for better use with the DVD drive , also comes with a digital interface allows the laptop can output AC3

How do computer keyboard failure

Computer keyboard is one of the most commonly used computer input devices in the device , but also that you use most frequently used devices. Due to frequent use computer keyboard , computer keyboard case so often occurs in the failure of the course . Today and share with you after the failure of a computer keyboard solution .
Tools / materials
• U disk, keyboard cleaner with a soft brush , blow up balloons
The case of a desktop computer keyboard failure
Typically computer keyboard failure following two situations:
Percussion keyboard keys without display
After you open a word processing software, or other editors , whether you enter any character on the keyboard , the display did not have any display .
Keyboard input and screen display inconsistent characters
The letters on your keyboard to enter letters in the display and no correspondence or enter a numeric character is displayed .
Desktop computer case one of the processing methods and procedures
Check that the keyboard was electric
Press the button on the left side of the keyboard Caps Lock key to toggle the case , observe the indicator lights on the keyboard Caps are lit. If you can light up , indicating that your hardware keyboard may have been broken. If the keyboard does not light up to show that you are either bad or is connected with the host computer is bad , the keyboard has no power .
Check the keyboard connection interface with the host computer to determine whether good contact
The keyboard connected to the computer with a USB cable to the host computer ‘s USB host interface reseated , because behind the host desktop computer has multiple USB ports , you can also change a USB port to connect to see if good contact.
Tips: For some older models, if your keyboard is a PS2 connector cable
Please note that there is breakage or PS2 interface is inserted in the wrong location, such as the PS2 keyboard connector mouse connector found on the PS2 interface.
Reconnect after test
Reconnect often step 2 is basically to ensure that the contact with the host computer ‘s keyboard to normal. Now you can open a word processing software on your computer , the editor using the keyboard to enter a few characters to see if there is display . If normal , Congratulations you have successfully processed keyboard failures , otherwise proceed to the next step. Detection host interface is normal
If you do this step , then the probability of your keyboard is usually broken relatively large, but first do not arbitrary, we test the interface to the host computer to a conclusion. Find a usb device , such as U disk . We put it into the computer interface, see if you can use a normal , if normal use , it indicates that your keyboard is broken, you can replace a new keyboard , otherwise the normal description of the keyboard , your computer system or system has a problem , you need professionals to deal with , not repeat them here .
Desktop computer case two processing methods and procedures
This happens usually indicates the host computer keyboard is connected properly , but the keyboard has a problem , the following approach :
The case of letters and numeric keypad keys function key failure
If the result of the case or the numeric keypad keys failure leads to inconsistent input display , you can check -sensitive switch key left of the keyboard Caps Lock key , Shift key and right key NumLock key functions are normal switch. Sometimes due to the frequent use of these function keys , conductive rubber keyboard will not work under the keyboard bounce caused by failure occurs, you can check this cap if these keys keyboard is always jammed due to abnormal reasons resulting in the pressed state failure. In this case you can manually toggle the appropriate keys to reset it repaired.
A character repeated failures occur and the surrounding joint letter
For the above phenomenon , usually because a key bit is always stuck in the pressed state and neighboring keys associated with conductive rubber is in contact so that the keyboard intermittent failures . In this case , you can use your fingers for the occurrence of the failure of some of the keys to repeatedly reset button or pressing all the keys back again, has made the keyboard to normal.
Tips: Of course, because the glass down on the keyboard because the tea spilled on the keyboard will cause the keyboard part failure, this time with the host should disconnect the keyboard and the keyboard upside down to dry after the water is drained normal use, for water keyboard because scuppers ( slot ) is disordered upside down, just the keyboard to scupper ( slots ) can be tilted . Failure to display a character missing for such a situation , usually because the keyboard dust or debris from entering the internal keyboard snacks hinder conductive rubber metal contact with the circuit board under the contact of the keys can not enter the letters displayed . For this situation, you can use the keyboard cleaner with a soft brush , blow up balloons carried on the keyboard slot blowing dust blown debris to solve the problem , if the above method can not solve the problem, disconnect the keyboard and the host computer inverted keyboard, after beating aligned , reconnect it to work . Keyboard Keyboard garbled garbled phenomenon more annoying , this situation usually only one way you can try , and that is disconnected from the host computer keyboard , and then reconnect the keyboard to see if return to normal. If reconnect still fail, then you do not hold what hope. Such cases are usually garbled keyboard chip failures caused , we are not equipped to handle , you will get a new keyboard now . Laptop keyboard case malfunctioning laptop keyboard failure common approach is basically similar with the desktop , can be resolved by the above method . For some specific cases need to look at the following steps: a small part of the letter keys keyboard replacement laptop keyboard because the space is smaller than the average desktop keyboard, so it has some function keys are function keys with the  key to the achievement of certain specific functions , such as digital key alternative, M key cases, this is often not understood by everyone , and mistakenly thought it was a keyboard failure, in fact, the simplest way is to look at the bottom of the digital display light is lit. Once the indicator light indicates the numeric keypad zone is active, there is no doubt  M These keys are replaced with the numeric keys . You just need to hold down the left side of the keyboard area  key and function keys at the top right to switch back and forth . External keyboard for half past one would not handle the keyboard failure fault , you can find an external keyboard via USB connection is a pressing problem . Especially when large quantities of digital inputs , it is strongly recommended that an external keyboard input more convenient. Soft keyboard for keyboard failure of emergency law and does not solve the case of an emergency spare keyboard on hand , we can use the soft keyboard with the mouse to the emergency ,  input method here an example to introduce a mouse click on the taskbar to the right of the “Language Bar” button or by Ctrl + Shift keys to bring up the input method state . As shown in the pop-up state , use the mouse to click on the soft keyboard button, as shown in Figure red box right-click the mouse button , make sure the PC keyboard options , as shown otherwise, your soft keyboard with mouse point out that other characters, you will think garbled. Figure on the following pop-up soft keyboard , you can use the mouse to click on the appropriate button to enter characters , methods, and the use of a physical keyboard is the same, not repeat them here . Of course, if you want to close the soft keyboard only need to click on the soft keyboard input method button on the status bar again.

Common laptop battery repair method

Especially lithium laptop battery is idle for too long or just repaired , it must offset the charge -discharge curves and curves are generated by a genuine need full release cycle finished a few steps to correct repair their charge and discharge curves , we also called battery self- learning process. common laptop battery repair methods , mainly the following methods.

Method One

Set ( this is the most important step to be able to most laptop battery repair the relationship to the optimal state . Please do not need to pay attention to you )

a Open My Computer – Control Panel – Power Options – Power Schemes ,

The time parameter of the battery never wholly elected

b The two options alerts items untick aim when the battery drops a few percent of the time so that the program does not respond to the appropriate action to allow complete real laptop battery discharge , so that the battery itself to amend its lowest power consumption and curve 0% sync.



Discharge :

After the above settings finished , press the full release on the principle of complete charge and discharge the battery back and forth two or three times , the battery will fix the offset curve over.

Note: make sure when charging the battery is full , the best way is to shut down for several hours or overnight charging , discharging and then unplug the power until the computer automatically shut off . Such back and forth at least two cycles

Method Two

Batteryuse and charging of the instability caused by the battery capacity will decline, but this decline was not caused due to aging , so proper calibration is to make this part of the lost capacity to recover. Therefore regular battery calibration is very necessary thing, such as January-February time .

Such as Compaq and IBM laptop itself provides a battery calibration feature in the BIOS or power management program, so use these two brands friends can shine prompts. For those who do not provide this feature brand can follow my steps below :

The screen saver is set to “None”

In the Windows Power Management power scheme is set to “always open ” and the following menu all set off the device related to ” Never .”

Card will alert option in the ” low battery alarm ” is set to 10% , the operation is set to ” do nothing ” ; be “a serious power shortage alert, ” set to 3 %, operating as ” standby .”

Screen brightness set to maximum

Confirm Close all the windows , and save the data for all the work before

After confirming that more than 80% battery charge , unplug the power and all external devices , then if the screen automatically reduces brightness , then turn it hit the brightest . OK, you can go to sleep after the discharge end of the notebook will automatically shut down after the power plug for laptop charging , attention must be completely filled before turning on power , etc. , and then restore power to the calibration program before setting.

Correction good battery , you can rest assured that use .

Method three

Batteryrefresh program to restore the battery discharge time : big brand laptop has a battery refresh program , you can use it to repair the battery . There is a software called “BatteryMon”, a variety of versions , is a specific small laptop battery monitoring software , you can display the discharge curve , and will automatically run after installation.

Laptops, which with batteries, as usual discharge properly, causing the battery discharge time is getting shorter , leaving less than five minutes , if carrying a laptop to go to work , then it is very inconvenient , what can restore the battery discharge time?

Batteryfix for the above, we can use ibm battery repair battery refresh program launched to refresh the battery to discharge recovery time , as follows .


( 1 ) the use of AC power for laptops , download the provided laptop battery refresh program .


( 2 ) Restart your computer, press the f8 key to enter the boot menu and select safe dos mode.


Directory ( 3 ) into the file you just downloaded , perform a battery refresh program isbr0lww, exe, after reading the warning message , insert the floppy disk as required , and then press the Enter key to execute the self-extracting operation.


( 4 ) Use this floppy boot the computer , the screen appears startingpc-dos … message.


( 5 ) Follow the prompts to unplug the AC power , the program will automatically ni-mh battery discharge , the discharge is completed , the system will automatically shut down.


( 6 ) Since then the battery temperature is higher, should not immediately start , let it cool for a while, plug in the AC power.


( 7 ) with a floppy boot your computer, run the autoexec.bat file will automatically refresh program, and asks the user whether to proceed. After you select yes, press the Enter key.


( 8 ) At this point, the program began to refresh the battery , the process soon , when returned to dos prompt a:> , it indicates the refresh is complete.


( 9 ) Turn off the computer and charge the battery until the light turns green so far.


( 10 ) The above procedure was repeated three times to get the best results.

Method four :

Freezer Law


1 ) the battery wrapped in newspaper before being placed in plastic bags, wrapping into the freezer for three days ( the newspaper to absorb excess moisture )


Out at room temperature after 2 ) decentralization of two days or three days


3 ) two days after charging the battery fully charged , yellow phone wrap test ( estimated to save 80 % -90 % )

The method consists of the well-known battery manufacturers engineers said, according to friends that tested the effect quite effective .

As there is no effect , anyway, useless battery faster , but everyone has refrigerator , friends may wish to try it

Computer keyboard failure a solution how to do the computer keyboard can not be used

Heck, many computer novices friends would ask me how the failure of the keyboard ? Not press the number keys on the keyboard , or the failure of part of the keyboard keys . Around these more common computer keyboard failure , computer white matter , editor skies rain system for everyone to be introduced , so that we can identify the cause of the failure of the keyboard as well as solutions .
Keyboard failure have more variety , here are some common keyboard failure phenomenon and solutions.
A : the numeric keypad on the keyboard failure
This is the lowest level error will often make a lot of new friends , usually large desktop keyboard , causing the keyboard numeric keypad ( 0123456789 ) failure of most of the key reasons is that we closed the numeric keypad , you can see Numlock key is turned on , the corresponding there is a light above the numeric keypad , press the Numlock lights above the key that opens the numeric keypad.
Some notebook novice friends often ask why I’m right part of the letter keys laptop keyboard is indeed break out numbers instead of letters, very tangled ! In fact, this is because the numeric keys and alphabet keys laptop binding exists , when opening the numeric keypad, letter keys are arranged on the right part of the number keys , mainly because of less laptop keyboard , the intelligent switching factory settings . Solution is as follows :
If only the keypad is locked , then press and hold the fn + Numlk key to switch to , and vice versa. There are some new friends often do not know the wrong letters playing out all uppercase letters , this is because the key function opens the uppercase letters , canceled only need to press the “Caps Lock” key to switch to normal.
Two : part of the keyboard keys on the keyboard failure, this is no regular key failure
Key failure caused by keyboard part , this situation is most computer keyboards internal circuit board failure , this phenomenon is usually because the circuit board or conductive plastic on the dirt , which makes it impossible to properly switched between the two. Other factors are also possible, such as: keyboard plug is damaged , line problems, damage to the motherboard , CPU is not working properly , etc., but not the main reason. The former you can try the following methods to resolve them, and the latter is generally related to computer failure or malfunction keyboard is not the scope of this .
1 . Disassemble the keyboard. Note that when you open the keyboard , be sure to button surface ( that is, we operate side ) down , board up , otherwise conductive plastic may have come off on each key , giving you repair trouble.
2 . Open circuit boards, circuit boards are generally made ​​of soft plastic film , buttons engraved with cable , with a concentration of more than 97 % alcohol cotton ( 75% of medical alcohol cotton can, because I had used , but the most good cotton with a high concentration of alcohol ) and gently scrub two times on the circuit board . For key failure to take care of part of the line a few times .
3 . View key failure conductive plastic parts , if the above accumulated a lot of dirt , then use the same alcohol scrub. Assuming conductive plastic is damaged , then I suggest that you can not commonly used conductive plastic buttons on the change to the damaged part , although this “shattering ” initiative not allow the keyboard to play out all the features , but the most At least you can extend the life of common keys.
4 . Clear the keyboard in the corner of the dirt , tools available brush, small brush , etc., but pay attention to some of the action should be gentle .
5. Check whether the module is soldered or welded sealing off , if you make the electric iron , it can repair welding work . Of course, this procedure applies only to make the electric iron on a friend , the friend will not be used , skip this step.
6. Installed keyboard. One thing to note here that we have to wait and then be clean and the alcohol evaporates . The best computer configuration network

If the above methods can not be resolved , we can then try to use what method of investigation :
Modify keyboard driver : Open through the ” My Computer” System Properties , select the Hardware tab : Open the Device Manager, we found that under Chinese Windows XP operating system , the default keyboard driver is the “standard 101 / 102 key or Microsoft Natural PS / 2 keyboard . ”
1 Right-click and select Update Driver Hardware Update Wizard appears : Select ” Install from a list of specific location (Advanced ) ” and click “Next “, select ” Do not search I will choose the driver to install. ”
Click “Next” to enter the ” Select install this hardware device drivers ” on page remove the check box ” Show compatible hardware ” before the tick . In the ” Standard Keyboard Model ” column select click “Next ” pop-up ” Update Driver Warning ” point ” is .” “Confirm Installation ” window continues to point ” is .”
2 . Complete the Hardware Update Wizard. Restart the computer.
Modify the registry : Click the “Start” menu , click ” Run”, type “regedit”, open the registry, enter “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ Keyboard Layouts”, there are many children , I have found through observation , to ” 0804 ” at the end are Simplified Chinese input method. Open the “E00E0804″, can be seen on the right of children there “Layout File” subkey, double-click to open the item , the ” Value data ” in the “kbdus.dll” to “kbdjpn.dll”, ” OK” available . And so on , can be all to ” 0804 ” at the end of the subkey “Layout File” all changed “kbdjpn.dll”, will be chosen specifically according to their common input method. Then restart the computer just fine !

If the above methods do not solve , then it may be a hardware failure, the most common hardware failure is the keyboard , the keyboard inside the wrench is oxidized , resulting in disconnection , etc. , we can try another keyboard , the vast majority can solve the problem, of course, there are very few emerging since the keyboard plug is damaged , circuit problems, damage to the motherboard , CPU is not working properly , these we need to take the place of professional service under specific detection .

When buying used laptops , in addition to pay attention to the power supply and monitor the situation , you should also pay attention to what ? First , the screen detection software .

We want to buy a laptop screen no dead pixels , the display is not normal fuzzy , often with the naked eye is difficult to determine accurately , so we need to use the software .
We recommend hand laptop screen detection software are : Nokia MonitorTest finished version .
This software is easy to use and powerful. Installation instructions above can be
Second, detection of cpu software.
We recommend Intel Processor Frequency ID Utility:
It can be the actual frequency of the CPU bus frequency and other information to make a comprehensive test. We can through the use of power and battery are the same CPU frequency to determine what type of CPU machines , and if it is consistent with the frequency of a desktop CPU, and vice versa is a mobile CPU.
Third, the memory test
DocMemory Diagnostic: so-called ” memory doctor” It allows almost all of the problems of memory betrays itself , the PC 95% failures caused by the memory of this software can be captured . In addition it can do the aging test memory. Because it needs to boot from the floppy drive , the way we can check the floppy drive, although now with almost no floppy drive .
Fourth, the hard drive detection
We recommend hd tune v2.52 hard disk tools
Fifth, battery testing
BatteryMon 2.0 laptop battery excellent detection capabilities so that we breath, we think it detects the battery invincible , we have to use the convenient, search finished version to download.
We recommend BatteryMon 2.0 Chinese version
BatteryMon software to graphically allows us to visually see the various performance parameters of the battery. After loading laptop battery disconnect external power supply, after running BatteryMon Click “Start” button in the plot can be seen falling curve of battery power . Where the vertical axis represents the current percentage of remaining battery charge , the abscissa indicates that the battery usage time . For more information on the left , “Total time” means the software to test out the maximum time that can be used when the battery is fully charged .
Sixth, the graphics test.
We recommend 3DMARK
3DMARK version of a series of simple and clear user interface and fair and accurate 3D graphics test process more and more people ‘s favorite to win in the past year , 3DMark03 surpass sales of 20 million copies , more than one million of online data submission results fully proved 3DMark software leader in this field.
Seventh, CD-ROM detection
We recommend NeroCDSpeed4.01 Edition
NeroCDSpeed ​​this software , the current version of the NeroCDSpeed ​​already is a comprehensive CD-ROM drive performance test software that can test a lot of important data on CD-ROM and CD-ROM drives. For example, drive transfer rate , seek time , CPU usage and disk material , up to speed, capacity .


Keyboard selection tips

What needs to pay attention to the selection of keyboards , what types of keyboards ?
The keyboard is now available in the market can be divided into desktop keyboard , laptop keyboard , industrial keyboard , Sulu keyboard, dual-control keyboard , ultra keyboard six categories. So in the end how to choose for your own keyboard it? Here’s what to say .
There wired connection type and wireless type . Like the general office , play games and select cable type , wired keyboard connected to a computer , there are two : USB and PS / 2. Now a lot of people like the wireless keyboard , do not let the table because there is no line accident , or think the appearance is to force, but the need to install a wireless keyboard battery , if you want to play the game or office , that’s a lot of power ! Choose the best power-saving automatic power-off function when the keyboard is a good choice .
Designs are a girl like me very concerned about here is not just talking about the appearance of the color of it , there is a small keyboard shape, knife , smoothness, and so on. So choose waterproof , ultra-thin keyboard is also a popular market , which is characterized by a key way short, quick response, and generally occupy a small space , very delicate !
Overall structure
In general , the keyboard can be divided into full keyboard , 60 percent keyboard, with columns Japanese , French with columns , gamers series. Each has its own specific purpose , this with personal habits , like there are a lot of big series . So , different people , different cultures , different purposes , and finally select the keyboard is not the same . They differ mostly in the primary key of each zone bottom line . Alt, Ctrl, Win, Fn,, how much order.
Sense of touch
1, in the tone of the keyboard when you can take a look by hand , listening to the sound size and feel of a keyboard under every sense of touch by going after .
2 , pressure grams , this value generally refers to the pressure needed to press the key number of grams , usually from 35g ~ 60g are, feel the impact of this value is quite large , of course, there is the pressure curve .
The choice of materials
Keyboard keycap material selection is critical , the main material of relatively good ABS, POM, PBT three, including ABS cheapest, but long-term use is easy to shine. Three materials in the performance feel all have their own characteristics , in general are good.
1, ABS: keycap most common materials, petroleum associated index of 100 ! ABS chemical name for acrylonitrile – butadiene – styrene plastic , is one of five synthetic resin.
2, PBT: expensive keyboard materials, petroleum associated index 40 ! PBT chemical name is poly (butylene terephthalate) , is made through the mixing process milky translucent to opaque , crystalline thermoplastic polyester resin.
3, POM: super wear light-colored keyboard material , petroleum associated index 20 ! POM POM chemical name , English name :. Polyoxymethylene (Polyformaldehyde POM is a side-chain , high-density, high-crystalline linear polymer .
Personalized keyboard
Now personality is really very high atmospheric keyboard on the grade ! There are many keyboard concept , we are looking forward to have a listing of which God hurry ! Backlit keyboard , transparent keyboard , ultra-thin soft keyboard , keyboard pattern shape , even some metal keyboard , for those of us pursuing appearance appearance association is definitely too cattle friends.
Volume size
The volume sizybe keoard but I fully understood , because usually used to the laptop keypad, switch to desktop keyboard is not suited , large keyboard , and has become accustomed to playing finger keypad, often the wrong word , this time Select a small desktop keyboard , it would be too easy

By Application


Applications can be divided according to the desktop keyboard , laptop keyboard , industrial keyboard , Sulu keyboard, dual-control keyboard , ultra keyboard six categories.
By nature symbols
According to the nature of symbols can be divided into alphabetic keyboard and numeric keypad into two categories. Dual USB keyboard , a keyboard can control two computers , a key for 2 seconds to switch quickly and easily. Classified according to the principle
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1 . Mechanical keyboard (Mechanical) using a similar metal -contact switches , the working principle is to make
Contact on or off with a simple process , noise , and easy maintenance.
2 . Internal plastic membrane keyboard (Membrane) keyboard is divided into four , achieved without mechanical wear. Which is characterized by low prices, low noise , and low cost , have occupied most of the market share.
3 . Conductive rubber keyboard (Conductive Rubber) contact is connected through the conductive structure of the rubber . Internal keyboard with a layer of conductive rubber bump charged , each key corresponds to a bulge, while pressing the following contacts connected . This type of keyboard is a transitional product market by a mechanical keyboard membrane keyboard to . 4 . Non-contact capacitance keyboard (Capacitives) capacitive switches using a similar principle , the distance between the electrodes causes the capacitance change to drive change through the encoder button . Feature is no wear and tightness better.
Classification by text input
Press text input while hitting the number keys can be divided into one-touch input keyboard , double and multi-key input keyboard input keyboard , now we used the keyboard are touch input keyboard, Sulu keyboard is a multi- key input keyboard, the latest in the four are double input method keyboard input keyboard.
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Conventional classification
Conventional keyboard has mechanical buttons and capacitive buttons two kinds. IPC keyboard in the film there is a touch of the keyboard keys . Mechanical keyboard is the first structure to be adopted , the general principle is similar to metal contact switch is turned on or off to make contact with the process is simple , easy maintenance, the general feeling , noise, wear characteristics , most inexpensive mechanical the keyboard uses copper spring as the elastic material , copper , easy to break and easy to lose elasticity , the failure rate increased use over time , and now has basically been eliminated , replaced by a capacitive keyboard . It is based on capacitive switch keyboard , the principle is the distance between the electrodes to generate the change of capacitance is changed by the key , allow the temporary formation of shock pulse condition . Theoretically this switch is a non-contact non-contact , wear rate is negligible even minimal , there is no bad risks , with low noise , easy to control touch, you can create high-quality keyboard , but the process than the mechanical complex structures . There is also a keyboard for the IPC to be completely sealed membrane keypad with touch only for special occasions.

• How to maintain laptop keyboard ?


·         Notebook has now become essential to our daily life and entertainment office terminal equipment, and laptop keyboard naturally become one of the parts in contact with us for the longest time , also the most prone to problems of ” high incidence of accidents .” Now teach you how to care laptop keyboard method .

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You will need to
• Computer Cleaning Kit
• 1, when the accumulated dust on the keyboard , use a small brush to clean the cracks , or use the camera lens is usually in high-pressure jet cleaning tank , blow the dust .
• 2, clean the surface can be coated with a little cleaner on a soft cloth , in the case of gently wipe off the keyboard surface.
• 3, is prohibited in the computer , eat, or drink , especially not to eat and drink side edge to operate a computer , it is neither detrimental to the health and computers .
• 4, try not to stay long fingernails , long-term use may scratch the keyboard .
• 5, if you play the game , please note that the intensity of the keys , do not too much , considering the life of the issue , some of the frequencies used in the game to set the height of the key turns to a different location on the keys .
• 6, notebook and desktop keyboards keyboard , after all , need to care for the use and maintenance , can not be used in case of a individual keys , you can add a USB keyboard.

Dell Inspiron 1525 Replacement Laptop Battery

7, the case if you need a keyboard or removable keycaps , not sure of the best expertise to assist .

When Should I Consider When Buying a Dell pc764 battery

When choosing a Dell pc764 battery, you should first make sure that it is compatible with your computer, and then consider the materials it’s made out of. It’s also best to look at the power rating and service life, since these have a large impact on its performance and lifespan. Additionally, you may want to consider whether you want a brand name or generic replacement, as well as whether you want a new battery or a refurbished one. Whichever one you choose, you should also look at any warranties offered, and make sure that it complies to safety standards.


The first thing to look for when buying a new laptop battery is compatibility with your computer. Most are made to work with specific models of computers, and have this information listed in their product descriptions. To make sure that one will work with your computer, you’ll need to know the make and model number of your laptop; if you don’t know this offhand or don’t have the necessary paperwork, check the inside of your laptop’s battery compartment while it is off and unplugged. You may also find the part number of the battery, located on its casing.


You should also consider the material that the battery is made out of: Nickel Cadmium (NiCad), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH), Lithium Ion (LiON), or Lithium Ion Polymers (Li-Poly). NiCad batteries are largely obsolete, since they are very heavy and don’t last very long. NiMH batteries last longer than NiCads, but significantly shorter than LiONs and Li-Polys. They also weigh more, and have the “memory effect,” which causes them to lose the ability to fully recharge.

Generally speaking, LiON and Li-Poly batteries are the best choice, as long as they’re compatible with your laptop, since they are light, last longer than NiMHs, and are about a third lighter. They also charge more quickly, and are also more environmentally friendly. Regardless of which type of laptop battery you end up getting, you should make sure that the cells are manufactured in such a way that they meet international standards of laptop battery safety, like those designated by Underwriters Laboratories (UL).


The capacity, or power rating is another important consideration. This is the amount of power that the battery can produce, and is usually written in milliamperes (mAh). The greater the capacity, the longer the battery can run before it needs to be recharged, so look for the highest mAh number. Most new ones are rated to at least 5,000 mAh.
Service Life
Like other technological products, laptop batteries have a designated service life — the length of time that they’re expected to work optimally. This is usually written in terms of cycles, with one cycle consisting of completely running the battery out, and then completely charging it again. Most are are able to go through between 300 and 1,500 charging cycles, and can be used after the maximum cycle count is reached, but may not hold a charge as well. Some computers come with a cycle counter built in, but there is free cycle counting software is also available online for download.

Branded vs. Unbranded

You may additionally want to consider whether you want to buy a brand name laptop battery, like the one your laptop came with, or a generic replacement one. Many brand companies and companies that make generic batteries get their components from the same manufacturers, so it may not make a huge difference, but some brand name versions meet more rigorous safety standards than generic ones, and some do use different, higher quality components. Also, some brand name versions come with better warranties than generic ones. Branded batteries do tend to be more expensive than generic ones though, so if you compare a brand name laptop battery and a generic one and find them to be largely similar, then you may want to go with the generic one.

New vs. Refurbished

Besides the issue of branding, you should also think about whether you want a new Dell pc764 battery or a refurbished one. Though some refurbished ones are very good and are often much cheaper than new ones, it’s a little risky to buy refurbished, since you don’t really know how old the battery is, and it may die suddenly. Also, many refurbished batteries don’t come with very good warranties, so it may be worth it to just get a new one, especially if you use your laptop a lot.

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