The Care Tips for Laptop Charger Adapter

According to, a leading source for technology news and information, shipments for purchases of laptops in the first quarter of 2010 grew 43 percent. Each of these purchases includes necessary accessories for the unit to function, including the laptop charger. The charger, or IBM laptop adapter as it may also be called, is essential. The most sophisticated laptop is rendered unusable if it cannot be recharged or plugged in.


Take Care of the Cord

Proper use and care of the laptop charger prolongs its lifespan so that replacements and repairs are not necessary. According to, an online magazine for computer-related concerns, one of the most common problems with laptop use is that the charger’s cord becomes frayed. Since laptops are conveniently brought just about anywhere, the constant plugging and unplugging wears out the cord. Mishandling it, such as leaving it twisted or tugging and jiggling it from the base unit, can produce the same result. This is also true for folding or rolling the cord incorrectly.


Other than being careful with the cord, wear and tear should be brought to the attention of a capable repair center. Neglecting this can lead to other damage, which may also affect the laptop’s battery performance or create a fire hazard, according to PCWorld.


Store the Charger Properly

As with laptops, which are typically placed inside laptop bags or padded envelopes, cords should be stored properly when not in use. The charger must never be exposed to extreme temperatures, such as those on a car’s dashboard in the middle of summer or dead of winter. It must not become wet or be exposed to corrosive chemicals, as these elements can severely damage the charger. The manual for a Belkin Compaq Laptop Power Adapter, for example, specifically states that users must avoid these. It also instructs users to avoid placing the charger near heat-sensitive materials.


When not in use, laptop chargers should be kept in the same bag as the laptop. If there isn’t enough space, putting the charger in a convenient cloth pouch or a small box is also an option.


Keep a Backup Charger

When traveling with your laptop frequently, it’s a good idea to get a second LG AC adapter to avoid wear and tear. Having a back-up charger may also save you the headache of buying one in an unfamiliar place should your first charger adapter become damaged., a daily online travel magazine, recommends packing an extra power source, such as a portable charger adapter, when going on trips with your laptop.

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